
VOTE BLUE preview Images of Posters

Vote Blue Posters Art Set 1
Vote Blue Posters Art Set 2
Vote Blue Posters Art Set 3
Vote Blue Posters Art Set 4
Vote Blue Posters Art Set 5
Vote Blue Posters Art Set 6
Non Partisan Vote Blue Posters
No AI Vote Blue Posters

Using the posters
If you'd like to order a digital download you can do so by donating $10 via credit card online to DAF national
or bring cash in euros to our next event. Rennes next event is on July 4, 2024. At this time the printed posters are only available at our events. Digital downloads paid with cash or credit card are also available at our events. If you would like to reserve a specific poster or if you have comments or questions please send an email to Ruth at whykie@gmail.com. The license for the downloads is for personal use but they can also be used for Democrats Abroad France (DAF)/Brittany stuff. Don't share your poster(s) download link(s). On your personal social media you can share this link for folks to preview the posters.

If you want to order 3 digital downloads, that will be only $25. Add $5 for each additional digital download you want. Then forward your donation receipt to whykie@gmail.com with your poster choice(s) and we will send you the download link(s). We'll also let DAF national know that you received the VOTE BLUE poster(s) for your donation so they can recognize our contribution too. The printed posters should be paid for in euros while the online credit card purchases are charged in dollars. The prices for the printed posters are A2 = $19 (euros), A3 = $10 and A4 = $5.